Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where is Nibiru?

The background of this discovery should be attributed back to 1821, when Alexis Buvard published astronomical tables of Uranus. Encouraged not to recall that in 1821 the earth science knew only seven planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. Wikipedia describes as follows the opening of the 8th planet of the solar system: ' In 1821, Alexis Buvard published astronomical tables of the orbit of Uranus. Subsequent observations revealed substantial deviations from the data in tables that made astronomers suggest that something unknown to the celestial body affects the orbit of Uranus by the gravitational influence. In 1843, John Couch Adams calculated the probable orbit of the eighth planet, which affects the orbit of Uranus. He sent his calculations Astronomer Royal, George Airy, who asked Adams for clarification. Adams began to write a response but did not send him, and in the future is not dealt with this issue seriously. Further history of the discovery of Neptune is associated with the research perturbation orbit of Uranus. At night, September 23, 1846 by Johann Galle (Johann Gottfried Galle) and Heinrich d'Arre (Heinrich Louis d'Arrest), carrying out observations at the observatory in Berlin, have discovered a planet only one degree of the position calculated in 1846 by French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier on the basis of . Slightly less accurate prediction of the English astronomer John Adams (John Couch Adams), made ​​a year earlier, was met in England unfounded skepticism, and it was published only after the discovery of the planet. Despite this, the British launched a fierce debate about national priorities, and how the planet should be called. Eventually, the planet was called Neptune by the name of sea god of Roman mythology, which suggested that Leverrier immediately after opening. Interestingly, Leverrier and Adams calculated the orbit of Neptune quickly deviated from the actual orbit of the planet, and if the search dragged on for several years, according to these calculations is to find a planet would not be. '.
As is evident from Wikipedia, the actual orbit of the planet Neptune is also different from the theoretically predicted, which made an assumption that the solar system, there is the 9th planet, which has a disturbing effect on the orbit of Neptune. Alexey Naumenko in the ' plutonic love' follows describes the discovery of Pluto, ' The existence of a ninth planet in 1905, predicted the American Percival Lowell, famous for the search of civilization on Mars. According to the calculations of Lowell, beyond the orbit of Neptune is another major celestial body which has a direct connection to the solar system. Lowell observed deviations in the motions of Uranus and Neptune from the calculated orbit, and decided that this is due to the influence of a distant planet. The object of his hypothesis Lowell called Planet X, but its ' real ' opening, alas, he did not live. The first planet discovered young employee Flagstaffskoy Observatory in Arizona, William Clyde Tombaugh. In broad daylight, February 18, 1930, comparing the sky photos taken with a telescope observatory named Lowell, Tombaugh discovered an object that moved in a direction opposite to the motion of stars. This was Pluto.

Tombaugh discovered it in the place predicted by Lowell. Later, the planet has been found on the earlier photographs of the sky. '.
After the discovery of Pluto in 1930, astronomers were in the firm belief that this is Pluto has a disturbing influence on the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. This delusion lasted until 1978, when Pluto was discovered Charon, on the basis of what was possible to determine the true size of Pluto. Alexey Naumenko describes the discovery of Charon: ' Prior to 1978, Pluto was considered a ' complete ' the planet. But June 22 of that year, Jim Christy of the Naval Observatory in Washington decided to see images of Pluto taken in Flagstaff last month before. The purpose of the observations was fairly routine - to specify the orbit of this are still poorly investigated the planet. There Christy struck that the body of Pluto looks strange: it seems to be stretched in one direction. Gore? . Christie's decided: the satellite! . Harrington started the calculations and came to the same conclusion. In this case it turned out that Pluto's moon rotates with it, so that is constantly ' hangs ' on one point on the surface of the planet. Meanwhile, in the earlier photographs of Christy discovered a faint bulge, which is up to him, no one was able to discern. Discoverer of the name proposed for the satellite Charon. Since the carrier of souls across the river Styx into the realm of Pluto took his place on the outer horizon. Further observations and calculations have led to the determination of the size of a 'double planet ', as they call it, because the diameter of Charon was only two times smaller than the diameter of Pluto. The sensational discovery of Pluto, Christie gave a lot of trouble, because the definition of the true size ' baby ' threatens to expose him to. '.

What is the true size of Pluto and what kind of exposure could ensue? . at the World Conference of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, it was decided to exclude Pluto from the number of planets in the solar system. The decision, in principle, the correct. By studying the parameters of contemporary Pluto and its orbit, scientists have concluded that this planet is more suitable for characteristics of a giant comet. And they almost did not make a mistake. Indeed, today's Pluto - a secondary planet ( or comet -giant ), formed by the collapse of a giant planet. Pluto is too far away, so you can effectively study the ground-based. Even the size of the planet for a long time remained a mystery. Prior to her real discovery was thought that Pluto's mass is about ten times the mass of the Earth. It was only after 1978, when it was discovered Charon, Pluto, it was possible to determine its mass. In the words of Charon's orbit is established that the mass of Pluto is only 0.0022 of the mass of the Earth ( and its diameter is less than half of the Moon). From this followed the conclusion that this mass is too small and can not cause deviations of the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. '.
So, in 1978, after determining the true size of Pluto, the official science has given an unambiguous and definite answer: Pluto may have a disturbing effect on the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. moreover. In 2006 Pluto was demoted and stripped of planet status, and in the solar system there are only eight planets ( Cedna, opened November 14, 2003 and announced the media as a tenth planet, the planet is also not, as its diameter is only three -quarters of Pluto). The question remains open: what kind of a celestial body is -after perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Uranus? . And this is what came out of it.
Further studies and calculations have shown that a mysterious celestial body must have a mass of three to four times the mass of the Earth. It was called Planet X or the Tenth Planet. Sophisticated computer simulations, carried out Harrington and Van Flandern, allowed to suggest that Planet X, because of its gravitational effect sometime in the past has shifted to the orbits of Pluto and its moon Charon, which were previously satellites of Neptune. It is also possible that Planet X is an ... In 1982, NASA officially confirmed the existence of the solar system of a mysterious object that is far beyond the most distant planets, and suggested that it might have is the mysterious Tenth Planet. A year later, in orbit around the Earth was launched Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), which is found in the depths of space, a huge unknown object. The newspaper ... It provides, inter alia, stated: ... ... In the next few years, new information on the Tenth Planet received little. Scientists, however, continued to carry out mathematical modeling of its characteristics. The simulation results confirmed that the size of the planet is 3-4 times larger than Earth, and that its orbit is inclined to the ecliptic plane, that is the great circle of the celestial sphere, in which there is apparent annual motion of the sun as much as 30 '. In addition, it became clear that Planet X must be three times farther from the Sun than the most distant planet Pluto from it. 1987 NASA has made a new statement on the possibility of the existence of Planet X. In this regard, the magazine ... Keynote speaker, John Anderson, a NASA research scientist, has made it clear that the tenth planet is certainly there, but it is very far from the other nine ... Newsletter, ... Perhaps due to the existence of an unknown planet ... It reports on the assumption of an international team of astronomers led by Professor Brett Gledmanom of the French Observatory of Nice, which opened a year ago are studying a new comet in 2000 CR/105. It moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit with an orbital period of 3,300 years, and with the greatest distance from the sun is 4.5 billion kilometers. At closest approach to the Sun, the comet appears in the vicinity of the planet Neptune. According to scientists, ... Calculations show that the source of such exposure is unlikely to Neptune. One could assume that the orbit of a comet is formed under the influence has not yet found a planet with a mass of not less than that of Mars, and distant from the Sun at a distance of about 30 billion kilometers ...
Few people are aware of the fact that in 1992 the historic meeting between Harrington and Harrington Sitchin's office (see. The Alien Question: An Expanded Perspective by Neil Freer on TroubledTimes. com). The meeting took place after Harrington read Sitchin's work and realized that the tenth planet ( Planet X) to search for the planet Nibiru (Nibiru) the ancient Sumerians - this is one and the same planet. Meeting with Sitchin only cemented this belief. All the pieces came together. Harrington became clear and the so-called ' Pioneer anomaly ', which is briefly described as follows: ' Why do ships Pioneer deviate from the course? . They first reached the third cosmic velocity and the first deep space explored. At both times, scientists have noted the strange fact: the reason the ships depart from the course. The deviation was small in astronomical terms (about 386 thousand. kilometers after traveling 10 million miles ). And for the first and second time it was the same. Scientists find it difficult to give an explanation. ' Harrington became clear that the causes of abnormal deviations ' Pioneer ' ( as well as the later deviations detected probes ' Cassini ',' Rosetta ',' Galileo ') are the same as the causes of perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Uranus: the impact of a massive celestial body . After discussions with Sitchin became clearer the likely trajectory of the Nibiru planet (Nibiru): it should look in the sky of the southern hemisphere below the plane of the ecliptic. And after that Harrington is applying to use the telescope to Black Birch ( New Zealand).
The American astronomer Robert Harrington was killed immediately after the filing of the application. The secret world government, which gave the wound, orders the murder of U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal (1947), and then U.S. President John F. Kennedy (1963 ), now issued an order on the Elimination of Robert Harrington. He was killed by injection of fast-flowing cancer. Harrington died on January 23, 1993 in terrible agony in front of relatives, friends and colleagues. It was a signal to all the astronomers did not affect the more taboo subjects.
The Zetas have responded to Harrington's murder following article:.
ZetaTalk: Harrington.